Here is how to get involved…

There has been some extra traffic to the blog in the last couple days so I want to make sure that everyone is aware of the other ways to join the movement: Facebook (like it!) Twitter (follow us!) And on Instagram with #defineperfect. 🙂 1. Take a picture with someone you appreciate 2. Post it! […]

Send a Friendly Reminder! :)

DefinePerfect is now doing a Facebook offer to send a positive message to a friend! Simply email with a friend’s name and the number corresponding the message you want to send and we will write it out and post it on Facebook for your friend to see! Only a lucky 50 people will be […]

Every time a bell rings…

During the entire month of December, bells are ringing everywhere. On your home decorations Surely you have something in your house that jingles when you put up your holiday decorations. Maybe it is an ornament for your tree. Maybe it is a bell hanging on your front door. Perhaps what is jingling in your home […]